New Lemsip First Action
Try Lemsip First Action nasal spray, the clinically proven cold hack that helps reduce risk of symptoms developing into a full-blown cold*.

New Lemsip First Action
Lemsip First Action Nasal Spray
At the first signs of a cold, try our new Lemsip First Action nasal spray. It is a clinically proven medical device that helps reduce the risk of cold symptoms from developing into a full blown cold. Containing Carragelose, it gets to work in three simple steps:
1. Shield. Spray into your nose at the first signs to form a shielding layer.
2. Helps trap viruses so they can’t infect healthy cells.
3. Remove. Trapped virus particles are cleared naturally through the nose.
Lemsip First Action is a medical device for use at the first signs of a common cold. Always read the instructions. RB-M-53788